
● Jeng H-L and Lin Y-L (2021) Effect of Time Constraint in Exploring Spatial Differences With Balanced Allocation of Performance Factors in a Redrawn Mental Rotation Test. Front. Educ. 6:712691. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.712691(SSCI)
● Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., Chih, W. C., Chen, Z. H., Chao, P. Y., Lai, K. R., Chan, C. L., Yu, L. C. & Lin, Y. L. (2017) Open Student Models of Core Competencies at the Curriculum Level: Using Learning Analytics for Student Reflection. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, March, Vol. 5, No, 1, pp. 32-44. (SCI)
● Lin, Y. L., & Yang, J. C. (2016). Augmented Reality Based Learning Applied to Green Energy. Journal of Materials Education, 38(1-2), 37-50. (SCI)
● Yang, J. C.; Lin, Y. L., & Liu, Y. C. (2016). Effects of Locus of Control on Behavioral Intention and Learning Performance of Energy Knowledge in Game-based Learning. Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2016.1214865. (SSCI)
● Yang, J. C., & Lin, Y. L. (2010). Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Mobile Learning Environment with Shared Display Groupware. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 195-207. (SSCI)
● Yang, J. C., Lin, Y. L., & Chung, C. I. (2009). Developing a Film-based Learning System with English Verbal Reduced Forms for Supporting English Listening Comprehension. Edutainment 2009, 74-84. (EI)
● Yang, J. C., Lin, Y. L., Wu, J. J., & Chien, K. H. (2008). Design and Evaluation of a Physical Interactive Learning Environment for English Learning, DIGITEL 2008, 36-43. (EI)
● 林逸農(2019)。創客教育之3D列印開發課程的教學分享。教育脈動,16(1)。

● Yi-Lung, Lin; Chia-Ling, Chang; Chia-Yu, Chuang; Hsu-Chuan, Tsai (2021). A Preliminary Study on the Online Maker Course of Interactive Technology Lighting Artcraft Design during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observation of Course Activity Approach. 2021TANET Conference. Taiwan, Taichung. (Best Paper)
● Chia-Ling, Chang; Tzu-Lan, Tseng; Yi-Lung, Lin. (2021). A Preliminary Study on Scientometrics Analysis Using Information Visualization in Recommender System Field. 2021TANET Conference. Taiwan, Taichung.
● Chang, C. L., Lin, Y. L., Chen, Y. L.(2019).Big Data Analytics of Early Prediction of the Like/Dislike Videos Using Ensemble. The 2019 Conference on Information Technology & Applications. Taiwan, Hsinchu.
● Ya-Kuan Chou, Yun-Ju Chen, Ping-Yeh Li, Yi-Lung Lin (2019). Research on creative team’s Learning Style and creative effectiveness. Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (ECEI 2019). (Best Paper)
● Ping-Yeh Li, Ya-Kuan Chou, Yi-Lung Lin, Yun-Ju Chen (2019). When Media Archaeology Meets Maker Practice: The Trans-disciplinary Design of Flower of Time – Universal Correspondence, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (ECEI 2019).Singapore, Singapore.
● Yun-Ju Chen, Yi-Lung Lin, Ya-Kuan Chou, Ping-Yeh Li (2019). Interrogative Design in Experimental Course: A Case Study of Mobile Graffiti Projection Mapping Design, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (ECEI 2019).Singapore, Singapore.
● Yi-Lung Lin, Ping-Yeh Li, Yun-Ju Chen and Ya-Kuan Chou (2019). Effects of Cognitive Style on Interactive Behavioral Patterns and Learning Performance within a Game Based Learning, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (ECEI 2019).Singapore, Singapore. (Best Paper)
● Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., Chen, Z. H., Chao, P. Y., Peng, K. C., & Lin, Y. L. (2015). Learning Analytics of Core Competencies: A Comparative Study of Students, Academics, and Industries, Workshop Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2015), pp. 385-389. 11/30-12/4, 2015.
● Lin, Y. L., & Yang, J. C. (2011). Effects of Innovation Diffusion on Learning Performance and Learning Background Differences in Digital Game-based Learning. In Proceedings of 2011 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology and iCube (CSCIST 2011 and iCube 2011). Taipei, Taiwan.
● Yang, J. C., Wang, S. T., Lin, Y. L., & Huang, B. G. (2011). A Study on Using a Film-based Concordancer to Facilitate English Comprehension. In Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011). Hangzhou, China. 850-854.
● Zeng, W. Y., Lin, Y. L., & Yang, J. C. (2011). A DGBL system to facilitate energy education and enhance learners’ energy awareness. In Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2011). Hangzhou, China. 153-157.
● Yang, J. C., Chang, C. L., Lin, Y. L., & Shih, M. J. A. (2010). A Study of the POS Keyword Caption Effect on Listening Comprehension. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2010). Putrajaya, Malaysia. 708-712.
● Lin, Y. L., Chang, C. L., Wang, S. T., Yang, J. C., & Hsieh, T. C. (2010). A Study on the Behavior of Information Searching & Sharing for Potential E-Learners. In Proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2010). Singapore. 592-602.
● Leveridge, A. N., Lin, Y. L., Lin, C. T., & Yang, J. C. (2009). Wireless Network Gaming Applied to a Vocabulary Learning Classroom Environment. In Proceedings of the Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (GLoCALL) Conference. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
● Chiou, H., Wang, S.-T., & Lin, Y.-L. (2009). Latent classes and gender differences on spatial ability of high-school students. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
● Lin, Y. L., Wang, S. T., Lin, Z. T., & Yang, J. C. (2009). The design and development of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test based computerized mastery testing for Phonics game. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2009). Taipei, Taiwan.1113-1118.
● Yang, J. C., Chien, K. H, Lin, Y. L, & Shen, C. H. (2009). The Effects of Spatial Ability for Elementary Students in a Digital Game-Based Geometric Game. In Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning Conference (TELearn 2009). Taipei Taiwan.
● Huang, Y. T., Lin, Y. L., Yang, J. C., & Wu, Y. C. (2008). An English Dialogue Companion System for Supporting Conversation Practice. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2008). Taipei, Taiwan.
● Lin, Y. L., Wu, S. Y., & Yang, J. C. (2008). An Investigation of Digital Game-Based Learning on Cognition and Acceptance in Elementary School Parent in Taiwan. In Proceedings of the 12th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2008). Michigan, USA.
● Lin, Y. L., Wu, S. Y., Yang, J. C., Hwang, W. Y., Chien, K. H., & Hsieh, Y. H. (2008). Developing School Children’s Spatial Ability through Digital Game-Based Learning software. In Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning Conference (TELearn 2008). Hanoi, Vietnam.
● Wu, S. Y., Lin, Y. L., Chen, X. X. & Lan, H. P. (2008). The investigative study of the foreign brides studied by e-Learning. The 2008 International Conference on Digital Divide. Yunlin, Taiwan.
● Yang, J. C., Lin, Y. L., & Lin, T. Y. (2008). Shared Display Groupware Supported Mobile Learning. In Proceedings of the Third Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies Enhanced Learning Conference (Ubilearn2008). Tainan, Taiwan.
● Wang, S. T., Lin, Y. L., Chiou, H., Zheng, H. L., & Qu. Y. L. (2008). Latent Class Analysis of the Spatial Ability Test: Samples of Taiwanese Senior High School Students. The 2009 annual convention of the Chinese Association of Psychological Testing, Taipei, Taiwan.
● 林逸農、張嘉玲、曾歆詒(2019)。博物館導覽 QA 問答機器人設計評估初探:以生命教育為例。2020 中國測驗學會年會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農(2019)。探討關鍵能力在旋翼型無人飛行器創客設計之影響 。2020資訊科技應用學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農(2019)。創客教育之3D列印創新科技技術在旋翼型無人飛行器設計的初探。台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2019年國際學術研討會。臺灣,新竹。
● 張嘉玲、林逸農、陳彥良(2019) 。運用文字探勘於社群輪廓分群及影片知識關鍵字分析:以旋翼型無人飛行器為例。臺灣統計方法學會。臺灣,臺中。
● 林逸農、張嘉玲、陳韻如、簡漢民(2019)。以物聯網為基礎的悅趣式智能數位教具設計在仿生鳥空汙偵測的初探。2019資訊科技應用學術研討會。臺灣,新竹。
● 馬鴻喬、洪翠娥、林逸農(2017)基於文字探勘技術應用於社群媒體影片地理知識點擷取及學習內容推薦:從創新擴散理論觀點探討科技輔助國中生地理知識學習接受度的初探研究。2017 區域與社會發展學系研討會。臺灣,臺中。
● 林逸農(2017)。應用文字探勘分析於文字雲視覺化實作:以師大學術活動報導為例。2019台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會。臺灣,臺中。
● 林逸農、鄭海蓮(2010)應用類神經網路建構空間能力的診斷與反應模式。2010台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農、張嘉玲、王詩婷、楊接期 (2010)。潛在數位學習者的資訊搜尋與分享行為之研究。IJCEELL Conference。
● 林逸農、邱皓政 (2009)。數位遊戲式學習的數學解題行為模式與能力診斷可行性之初探:小學五年級學童因數遊戲的潛在類別分析。論文發表於2009 年第一屆科技與數學教育學術研討會,國立台中教育大學,臺中。
● 王詩婷、林逸農、邱皓政、鄭海蓮、區雅倫 (2008)。空間能力的潛在類別分析:以台灣中學生為例。論文發表於第八屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會,雲南師範大學,昆明。
● 陳柏熹,林逸農,許嘉凌,王珊妮,林恬忻,顏永進(2007/9)。多元智慧電腦化適性測驗的發展:不同IRT模式的能力估計效果比較。東亞教育評鑑論壇。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農、鄭海蓮(2007/11/3)。線上互動式多媒體空間能力試題編製之研究,2007心理與教育測驗學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農、鄭海蓮 (2007)。互動式多媒體空間推理遊戲教材之設計與發展-以「五連方」幾何圖形為例。第二屆數位內容管理與應用學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農、鄭海蓮 (2007)。多媒體電腦化視訊手語測驗題型之編製。第三屆台灣數位學習發展研討會TWELF2007。臺灣,臺中。
● 陳柏熹、林逸農、許嘉淩、顏永進 (2006)。多元智慧電腦化適性測驗之發展。教育評鑒國際學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 鄭海蓮、林逸農 (2006)。小學男女學童在五連方幾何積木視覺空間能力測驗表現之研究。第七屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。
● 林逸農、曾祥霖 (2006)。SPSS線上操作教學課程的設計與發展-以「t考驗」單元為例。臺灣教育傳播暨科技學會2006年學術研討會。臺灣,臺北。